What are the National Technology Benchmarks (NTBs)? 
The NTBs are an evolving series of Canada-wide standards that define:
- the National Accreditation requirements for applied science and engineering technology programs offered by private and public colleges and other educational institutes in Canada; and
- the competencies needed to become a certified and registered applied science and engineering technician or technologist.
The NTB standards have been created through a collaboration between a broad group of stakeholders that includes the National Council of Deans of Technology (NCDoT), the provincial associations for Technology Professionals, industry representatives and subject matter experts.
They are reviewed annually by educational agencies, subject matter experts and the Council of Registrars on behalf of the provincial associations who collectively make recommendations for updates to the National Technology Benchmarks Committee (NTBC).
What do the NTBs look like?
There are three elements to each NTB standard:
1. Discipline: As listed on the previous page.
2. Competencies*: These are the broad areas of activity within each discipline in which a technician or technologist could be involved as part of their work.
3. Indicators of Performance: These are representative activities that help an individual confirm that they work within a particular competency.
* Competencies are referred to as 'Areas of Practice' in the original NTB standards.
The NTBs also define the generic skill sets and capabilities expected of certified technicians and technologists. These skill sets are called ‘Generals’ and, like the competencies and indicators for each discipline, are evaluated by provincial associations as part of the application for certification process.
Learn more about Provincial Associations